Sidebar feature: “These Blogs”

The WordPress blogsite allows its members to list their favorite blogs as a sidebar feature. Since I’d been observing blogs long before I started my own, I thought of paying closer attention to blogs like my own: those on Philippine cinema, with ongoing critical projects (as broadly defined as possible). But then I couldn’t focus on the selection activity as a project in itself, especially since I stopped handling Philippine-film courses on a regular basis. For that reason, I put off finalizing a personal “canon” of preferred Pinoy-film blogsites, until I needed a special-features sidebar that allowed its users to incorporate other available features in WordPress’s store of special functions (called widgets).

11011I started, like most other bloggers I knew, by listing the websites of the people I was familiar with. Then I realized that these people knew other people, and that’s how I expanded the list. I also included sites that did not aim to produce commentaries per se, for as long as I could argue that they exhibited critical awareness (including reflexive abilities). I was also somewhat surprised – saddened, actually – that some of my earlier favorites did not seem active any longer. I took out the ones that had no postings since the previous year (specifically from January 1, 2016, to the present), and uploaded an early version of the list on the social network. From the comments of friends and acquaintances, I was able to add three more blogsite titles, and since these features constitute a movable feast, I’m determined to adjust the sidebar’s contents at least once a year.

11011Anyone who wishes to suggest blog titles that I might have overlooked is welcome to do so. I cannot guarantee that I can accommodate any recommendation, but as long as the website in question deals with Philippine cinema in a critical manner, and has been active at least up to last year, I promise to take a closer look. Kindly provide me with the information at Amauteurish!’s Queries page. (You may also opt to explain why any specific blog should not be included – again with the prior understanding that I may or may not be persuaded. I will also guarantee one answer, the first one, to your message, but I cannot engage in extensive conversations about these matters, since that is not my purpose in maintaining this website.)

Addendum: As of December 2020, the list of blogs, Facebook pages, video channels, and historical websites has been moved from the sidebar to this writeup, in order to make room for more features from me. Each non-institutional entry is identified by its owner or, in case of group pages, its editor, strictly for the purpose of attribution by researchers.


All Things Sharon (J.J. David)
The Bamboo Gods Project (A. Leavold)
CCP Encyclopedia of Philippine Art Digital Edition (Cultural Center of the Philippines)
Choking on My Adobo (J.J. Reyes)
CineSensual: Para sa Sine at Senswalidad (Cinesensual2020)
Cinetactic (H. Domingo et al.)
Critic after Dark (N. Vera)
Death of Traditional Cinema (M. Macarayan)
Film Police Reviews (T. Zinampan et al.)
Ibarra C. Mateo Reports (I.C. Mateo)
Jacob Laneria: Katha/Pelikula/Kritika (J. Laneria)
Jimelikula Atbp. (J. Paranal & J. Tawasil)
Ka Pete (J.F. Lacaba)
The Knee-Jerk Critic (R.E. Lopez)
Louie Jon A. Sánchez: Poet, Teacher, Television Scholar, Filipino (L.J.A. Sánchez)
Manunuri ng Pelikulang Pilipino
Missing Codec (E. Deyto)
Neil Daza: Director of Photography (N. Daza)
Omnitudo (A.D. Mendizabal)
One Philippines Filmmakers
Pelikulaw (L. Fajardo)
Pelikula, Atbp. (J. de la Rosa)
Pelikulove (E.O. Marfil et al.)
Ricky Lee (R. Lee)
Sari-Saring Sineng Pinoy (J. Devera)
Sinegang (A. Brutas)
SineSalita (A. Balbarez)
Society of Filipino Film Reviewers (S. Labastilla)
Video 48 (S. Santos)
Young Critics Circle


Bibeth Orteza’s Blog (B. Orteza)
Black Maria Cinema (Black Maria Pictures)
Casa Grande Vintage Filipino Cinema (M. de Leon)
Cine Adarna (University of the Philippines Film Institute)
Cinema ’76 (Cinema ’76 Film Society)
Filipino Arts & Cinema, International (M.F. Tumbocon Jr.)
Filipino B Film Fans (A. Leavold)
Lagarista Files (F. Montero)
Linyang Pinoy, Hugot Pinoy (J.J. David)
Noraniana Collection Project (N. de Guzman)
Sapiosexuals Film Club Surigao
Shonenbat Collective
Space-Aso (R. Cerda)


ABS-CBN Star Cinema
Cinemalaya Philippine Independent Film Festival
Citizen Jake [on Vimeo] & Citizen Jake [on YouTube] (M. de Leon)
The IdeaFirst Co.
Pelikulove Blackbox
Regal Entertainment
Ride or Die
Sinag Maynila (video on demand)
Tanghalang Pilipino
TBA Studios
This Is Not a Film Festival (Khavn)
Viva Films
Best Collection of Rare Pinas Videos Ever: A Well-Kept Secret!


PinoyDVD (The Pinoy Digital Video & Devices Community)
Pirata 101: Or Things You Should Be Aware Of If You Are an Avid Fan of MCS [Makati Cinema Square], Greenhills, Good Earth, and Quiapo Goods (Pirates of Carriedo)
Mike Relon Makiling (M.R. Makiling)


About Joel David

Teacher, scholar, & gadfly of film, media, & culture. [Photo of Kiehl courtesy of Danny Y. & Vanny P.] View all posts by Joel David

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